
Dasavatharam impressed Chief Minister M.Karunanidhi

Kamal Hasan’s movie Dasavatharam’s visual imagery has impressed not just his average fans but also Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi as well. He was so impressed that he personally called Vairamuthu in Australia and conveyed his enthusiasm.
Kamal Hasan said "The fact that the Chief Minister enjoyed the pictures with youthful enthusiasm and pinched my cheek with affection as if I were a kid is equivalent to celebrating the success of Dasavatharam with a huge function,"Some the actions sense includes a spellbinding fight sequence featuring Kamal Hasan in a face-off with himself which took Hollywood action director Joop 20 days to shoot. Three different software companies were used to build the visual effects and some of the best graphic designers. This project truly is an international project.Sets which cost about Rs. 3 crores are being created by hundreds of workers in Chennai just for two songs. Asin did her part to make this movie unique.
According to audiographer, Sridar, Kamal has dubbed in ten different voices for his ten different roles and this was done without digital treatment.Just to show the in

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